Preparing for a Major Hurricane: Essential Marine Safety Tips

When a major hurricane is approaching, ensuring the safety of your vessel and everyone on board is paramount. Hurricanes can pose significant threats to boats, docks, and marinas, making it crucial for boat owners to take proactive measures to prepare. This guide provides essential marine safety tips to help you protect your boat, secure your dock, and stay safe during hurricane season.

Understanding Hurricane Season

Hurricane season typically runs from June 1 to November 30, with peak activity occurring between August and October. During this period, tropical storms and hurricanes can develop in the Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean Sea. These powerful storms can bring heavy rain, strong winds, and storm surges, leading to flooding, property damage, and dangerous conditions at sea.

Preparing Your Boat for Hurricane Season

Proper preparation can significantly reduce the risk of damage to your boat during a hurricane. Here are some key steps to take:

1. Create a Hurricane Plan

Develop a detailed hurricane plan that outlines the actions you will take before, during, and after a storm. Your plan should include:

  • Evacuation routes: Know the safest routes to take if you need to move your boat to a more secure location.
  • Communication plan: Ensure you have a way to stay in touch with family, friends, and emergency services.
  • Supply list: Gather essential supplies, such as food, water, medical supplies, and tools.

2. Secure Your Boat

Whether you keep your boat at a marina, on a trailer, or at a private dock, securing it properly is crucial. AERE’s inflatable fenders are compact to store when not in use and strong enough to withstand hurricane winds. Consider the following measures:

  • At a marina: Double up on dock lines, fenders and use chafe protectors to prevent wear on the lines. Remove any loose items, such as canvas covers and sails, and store them securely.
  • On a trailer: Move the trailer to higher ground and secure it with tie-down straps. Remove the boat’s drain plug to prevent water accumulation.
  • At a private dock: Use additional lines to secure the boat and place additional fenders to protect it from impacts and storm surge. Ensure the dock is in good condition and can withstand strong winds and waves.

3. Remove and Secure Equipment

Remove any valuable or non-essential equipment from your boat and store it in a safe location. This includes electronics, fishing gear, cushions, and personal belongings. Secure any remaining equipment, such as anchors and mooring lines, to prevent them from becoming projectiles during the storm.

4. Check and Maintain Your Boat

Conduct a thorough inspection of your boat to ensure it is in good condition. Check for any leaks, repair damaged fittings, and ensure that bilge pumps are working properly. Make sure your batteries are fully charged and that you have a backup power source.

Securing Your Dock and Marina

In addition to preparing your boat, it’s essential to take steps to secure your dock and marina. Here are some tips to consider:

1. Inspect and Strengthen Dock Structures

Inspect your dock for any signs of damage or wear. Reinforce weak spots and ensure that pilings, cleats, and dock lines are in good condition. If your dock is in a high-risk area, consider installing additional pilings, fenders or anchors for added stability.

2. Use Floating Docks

Floating docks can rise and fall with changing water levels, reducing the risk of damage during a storm surge. Ensure that floating docks are securely anchored and that gangways are properly hinged to accommodate vertical movement.

3. Install Additional Fenders

Install fenders along your dock in addition to your boat to protect both the dock and your boat from impacts. Consider using inflatable fenders, such as those offered by AERÉ Marine, for maximum protection and flexibility.

4. Remove Loose Items

Remove any loose items from your dock, such as furniture, equipment, and decorative items. Secure anything that cannot be removed to prevent it from becoming a hazard during high winds.

After the Storm: Assessing and Repairing Damage

Once the hurricane has passed, it’s time to assess any damage and begin repairs. Follow these steps:

1. Inspect Your Boat and Dock

Carefully inspect your boat and dock for any signs of damage. Check for leaks, broken lines, and damaged equipment. Take photos and document any damage for insurance purposes.

2. Make Temporary Repairs

Make temporary repairs to prevent further damage. Use waterproof tape, sealant, and patches to fix leaks and secure loose items. Replace any damaged dock lines and fenders.

3. Contact Your Insurance Company

Notify your insurance company of any damage and provide them with documentation, including photos and a list of damaged items. Follow their instructions for filing a claim and scheduling an assessment.

4. Conduct Thorough Repairs

Once the initial assessment and temporary repairs are complete, conduct thorough repairs to restore your boat and dock to their original condition. Work with reputable marine repair professionals and use high-quality materials to ensure the longevity of the repairs.


Preparing for hurricane season requires careful planning, proactive measures, and a commitment to safety. By following the essential marine safety tips outlined in this guide, you can protect your boat, secure your dock, and ensure the safety of everyone. Investing in high-quality docking solutions, such as those offered by AERÉ Marine, can provide added peace of mind and protection during hurricane season. Stay informed, stay prepared, and stay safe as you navigate the challenges of hurricane season.

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